Property Conditions

Code Enforcement Requests

Using City of Memphis 311 and Code Enforcement Data we are able to track properties that receive a high number of code violations and have grouped them into four distinct categories

  • No Service Requests
  • 1-3 Service Requests
  • 4-7 Service Requests
  • 8+ Service Requests

Check the map below to see which properties are receiving the most requests for service in your community.

Top 10 Code Violators

Quarterly the Blight Elimination Steering Team publishes the owners in Memphis that are receiving the highest number of code violations. We have identified the owners on the most recent version of this list so you can see if they are active in your community.

Vacant Lots

Vacant greenspaces can be both an asset or a liability depending on how the neighborhood chooses to approach it. Whether it is advocating for community-conscious infill, creating community gardens, planting trees, or building a neighborhood pocket park, know where vacant lots are matter. Use the map below to find out where potentially underutilized green spaces exist in your neighborhood.

Bluff City Snapshot

In 2015 the City of Memphis led a volunteer-driven community surveying effort to identify abandoned and blighted properties in every neighborhood in the city. Each property was given a rating from 1-5, with 1 being properties in the best condition and 5 being properties in the worst. This map includes the results from this effort.

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Created by eBiz Solutions.