Inno-Minute Newsletter Archive

The Inno-Minute is Innovate Memphis’ quarterly newsletter where we share new ideas and civic innovations worth celebrating in our community and beyond. You can subscribe for future newsletters and view past issues in our archive on this page

Q4 2024: Scenes from the Hackathon

In this issue, we celebrate our big project accomplishments for 2024, do a staff spotlight with Data Midsouth Director Kira Morin, and share all of the great ideas, photos and videos from the 2024 City Hackathon.

Q3 2024: Join Our Hackathon!

In this issue, we announce details for our upcoming City Hackathon (Nov 15-17), do a staff spotlight with Research Project Manager Angelica Carey, and share an idea we love to rethink paved paradise on Park(ing) Day

Q2 2024: City Innovation

In this issue, we share our big priorities so far with Mayor Young’s administration, do a staff spotlight with Strategic Initiatives Director Susan Dalton, and share an incentive-based good landlord program from Tulsa to improve rental conditions

Q1 2024: All About Transportation

In this issue, we promote our new Transit Funding White Paper, do a staff spotlight with Transportation & Mobility Director Jackson McNeil, and share fun and affordable micromobility resources from local partners

Q4 2023: Introducing the Inno-Minute

In this issue, we celebrate our big project accomplishments for 2023, do a staff spotlight with Chief of Staff Courtney McNeal, and share an idea we love about revitalizing downtowns after in a post-pandemic world: Creative Land Trusts